Little Girl Nursery Gallery Wall

Several weeks ago, I asked my husband to put up the frames that I bought in our daughter's room. I took the time and planned out the placement and orientation of each frame and he hung them for me. Several weeks later, here I am just getting the frames filled.

Create a gallery wall for a little girl. This includes links to all of the print outs.

It was very hard to narrow down which prints I would use for the frames. I had a Pinterest board filled with ideas and needed to make some decisions. 

You will see below where I got the prints from or if I made them myself. I printed all of the prints at Staples. They do a great job of accommodating sizing for your prints. 

Create a gallery wall for a little girl. This includes links to all of the print outs.

{from left to right}: Cute as a Button - {original} {my 5x7 print} | beYOUtiful | State Printables {all 50 states are included} | Twinkle Twinkle {printed and put on scrapbook paper} | Glitter Heart 'S' - cut on silhouette from glitter vinyl{inspiration not available anymore - tutorial to come} | You are LovedABC Printable  {missing from the gallery - printable verse}

Visit these great places and print out some new ideas, whether you are sprucing up your current gallery wall or you are creating a new one. 

Happy decorating!
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