Finding the Joy in Your Clothing with the KonMari Method

I have mentioned that I read and started to implement "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up", lovingly referred to as the KonMari Method. I talked about this a bit when we did the Master Bathroom Organization but I skipped ahead in talking about the process - on purpose.

The first step in the process is actually to start with clothing. Her thought is that it is easier to decide if a piece of clothing brings you joy rather than a photo you may be holding on to. So, even though I shared our decluttering from the bathroom first, I actually did go in order and started with my clothes.

I took 2 afternoons and went through my entire wardrobe. I was so excited to get started, I really didn't take too many before pictures. I emptied out my entire closet, all of my drawers and went though all of the closets in the house. I even included the clothing I had in my car (which shouldn't be there anyway) because Marie said in the book, if you forgot to include it in your sorting, it automatically is gone.

Before the KonMari method my closet is a mess. Even partially emptied out. You should see the after.

When I sorted my clothes, I sorted them by shirts, pants, pajamas, dresses, gym wear, and undergarments.

Sorted piles of clothes to go through with the KonMari Method. 6 bags donated later, much smaller piles.

Then I started decluttering and asking myself if this item brought me joy. And continued sorting. My keep pile was actually a LOT smaller than I thought it would be. I got rid of a ton of clothes that either didn't fit me anymore, were from when I was in my early 20's or just weren't my style anymore. I actually pared down my clothes so much, some days I don't have anything to wear anymore. So I just need to get out to go shopping.

I did end up keeping a couple pieces that may not fit me right now, just because they did bring me so much joy when I touched them. My dress I wore for our wedding reception (not to be confused with my wedding dress, which I also kept), the pants I was trying on and purchased when my husband (then boyfriend) told me he loved me and my dad's sweatshirts from when he was in the Marines that I took out of his Goodwill pile. I keep these things front and center because they bring me joy even just sitting in my drawers. One day maybe I will fit in them again, but until then, I can smile when I look at them.

The next day I sorted my jewelry, accessories, purses and bags, and shoes. Going through my grandmother's jewelry brought back so many happy memories. One necklace that I almost got rid of, because it's not my style, still smelled like her 9 years later. So needless to say, that baby isn't going anywhere.

At the end of my weekend purge, I got rid of 6 big bags of my belongings and donated them to Goodwill so they may be able to bring joy into someone else's life. I posted this picture on Instagram on the way to Goodwill.

6 bags of donated clothing from KonMari organizing.

Now, I have a way too small wardrobe, with almost nothing to wear, but I will slowly and consciously add to my collection of clothing to make sure that I do love everything I put on and it brings joy to my life.

Here is what my closet looks like now. Notice all of the extra room :) Everything is now in my drawers. Neatly folded.

Closet After KonMari decluttering of clothing. So much room. And only clothes that need to be hung. The rest are folded in the drawers.

I need to decide what to do with all of the extra space.

I was so excited about pairing down my wardrobe. I have been hearing so much about a 'capsule' wardrobe and how much that has helped others get ready in the morning. Having less clothing has helped me with the decision making process in the morning. It has made my mornings run much smoother. I encourage you to give it a try. Even if you don't actually take everything away to Goodwill initially, give a minimal wardrobe a try.

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  1. I am DYING to read this book! Might just have to break down and buy it. Your closet looks great! Found you via Friday Features at Oh My Heartsie Girl. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by :) I got the ebook version and it is so nice to have my highlights readily available. I highly suggest you get it :) Thanks so much for the compliment - your's could look like that too :)

  2. I think I've heard about this book from other friends of mine. :) I'm always decluttering my house, it seems like. I do agree that clothing should be sorted through at least once or twice a year for things that you don't need anymore. I do like having less in my closet and drawers, and being able to quickly find the pieces I need, rather than digging past all the stuff that I'm not wearing. :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I am the same way with decluttering and I just want it all and done and over with this time. It seems different for sure.

  3. That book is on my list and I'm looking forward to reading it. I did a capsule wardrobe last winter and it was amazing. My closet looked similar to your 'after' and brought me lots of joy and it was so easy to get dressed. I didn't get around to doing one for the spring/summer and instead just brought all that stuff back into my closet. Now it's a mess, I can't find things and never have anything to wear. You've inspired me to get back on the train! :)

    1. I love the idea of a capsule wardrobe and for sure have one now by accident :)

  4. I love that book! I long to get my wardrobe sorted out and if I really did it right, I'd be down to almost nothing in my closets or drawers. But first, I need to have at least some idea of what I'm doing about my wardrobe going forward. I hate everything in the stores recently! I'm beginning to think that I might have to sew instead of shop.

    Congrats on your beautifully empty closet. :)

    1. Honestly, I thought the same way until I just did it. I have nothing left so I am often trying to find things to wear, but I have been slowly bringing things in - but not unless I love them. I also started a Stich Fix. I got a couple really great pieces in my first one :)

  5. I definitely need to check out that book! I just finished decluttering my closet and it felt if I could just find the time and willpower to do the rest of my house :) Thanks for joining the #GoodFriendsFriday linky party, our next post will be live soon


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