Operation Project Organization - Month 1, Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of the first project of the year!
Join the Challenge! We are both focusing on Craft "Rooms" this month. Join in on the fun, click the link for our email to join.

I have started to make some progress with my craft closet {I'm not as lucky as my co-host Jenny who has a whole room - I get stuck with an electrical closet…}. You can see in my before pics that it is somewhat organized. Things are gathered somewhat together and I am utilizing the back of the door, but in order for me to fulfill my promise to my husband and not outgrow the closet and spill into the rest of the house, I need to be more efficient.  
Before pictures of the "somewhat organized" craft closet - Operation Project Organize
I try to start with a clean slate. I cleaned everything out of the closet and started to make some piles of things that belonged together, purged things that I decided weren’t worth keeping and got rid of my husband’s leftover “materials” in the closet. I did a quick vacuum and started to put stuff back. I knew there were certain things that would stay like my tape holder {a wire hanger cut and bent}, my wrapping paper station {purged and re-organized}, my sewing machine and things, and my drawer set.
First Step - empty out the space and clean it up! Operation Project Organize 2015
Will this all fit? Join the challenge and see - Operation Project Organize
I have a very small budget for home projects right now {to my husband I have none for this closet, unless he gets some for his tool area} so I will be utilizing a lot of what I have already and re-purposing lots of things.

I know Jenny at Renovar Design has been super busy with her progress as well. During week 2, she just came back from her honeymoon to lots of "distraction". This week she went shopping and will start purging. She also came up with a super clever design idea for her paint using this duct material. I cannot wait to see what it will become!
Using Duct Work for paint storage

So now its up to you! Here is your task for the rest of this week:
  1. Month 1, Week 2-3 (The Clean-out & Purge)
    1. Diminish
    2. Discard
    3. De-Clutter
    4. Paint if needed
    5. Begin re-organization following week 1’s plan

I know I have to work on the diminish and discard part for sure. What about you? How is your progress coming along?

Follow along on the Operation: Project Organization Pinterest Board for inspiration and tips.
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  1. This sounds like a wonderful project! I need to do a purge in almost every room in the house. I plan to throw out 50 things this weekend. I'll do it while the hubby is at work... He always second guesses whether to throw things away or not!

    1. Wow 50 things!!! I don't think I am that good. :) My hubby is the opposite - he could go in most rooms and throw out almost everything {except his tool area...}

  2. I need to you to come to my house. I am terrible at organization!

    1. I have attempted it - but this will force me to get better! You should join our challenge and give it a try!


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