Deep Cleaning the Baby's Nursery

In our home, we do spring cleaning a little differently. I don't stress myself out to try and deep clean our entire home in one to two months. I have never done this, but with a toddler running around, it is even more difficult to imagine trying to get that all done! It may work for some people, but not for us. In our home, we manage our spring cleaning by designating a room or group of rooms to be deep cleaned every month. 

My daughter's room is the room that is to be deep cleaned this month. It is also the focus for my project organization this month. Coincidence, maybe...
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A while back, I created a checklist for my deep cleaning because every.single.month I would forget to do one or two things and then had to decide to go back and do it or wait until 6 months later. 

Here is the checklist that I use:

Click to Download
Tips to a better clean:
  • Start from top to bottom. This way you don't have to revisit the floors!
  • Use a dryer sheet on the baseboard after you wipe them down or dust. This will help eliminate the static that holds onto dust. 
  • Be sure to disinfect the crib mattress and changing pad. We rarely do it and it could decrease sickness.
  • For kids and babies, you tend to switch clothes out more often than twice a year. I also take the time to organize her clothes because I tend to just go with other systems that may not be working anymore. 
  • Invest in a steamer. Either a hand steamer, floor steamer or both! I have both and although I only use my hand steamer occasionally, it feels really good to know that fabric is disinfected with the steam. 
This is the first step towards a clean, organized nursery this month!

Happy cleaning!
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