Being a Modern Day Martha

Ever feel like your to do list is overwhelming? I feel like my to do list is never ending. When I get two things done, four more things are added and most of the time, they take priority over the other things on my list. So now, I not only have added more tasks to my list, but now the priorities change. I feel like I am never getting anything done. 

Does your to do list have Jesus on it? Tips on how to find time for God | Managing a Home

This is how I get to start feeling like a modern day Martha. And no...not Martha Stewart like my husband thought. Martha from Luke Chapter 10. 

Does your to do list have Jesus on it? Tips on how to find time for God | Managing a Home

feel like Martha. A to-do list a mile long and most of the time not getting the help I would like to get. I feel I am always trying to do everything perfectly and my to do list just keeps growing and growing. 

Oh to be like Mary. Sitting at Jesus's feet just to listen and learn. Using the opportunity to grow in faith. When I think of Mary, I think of her being the young, naive sister who has no cares in the world. She has that childlike faith that Jesus calls us to have. 

I tend to be a modern day Martha, focusing on the things of this world. But what I should be focusing on, are the things beyond this world.  I should be a modern day Mary

I need to focus on Christ and make it a priority. It is tough and life gets in the way. Here are some ways you and I can try to put Jesus back on the to-do list. 

1. Start every day with God. I found when I was doing this regularly, before the start of the crazy holidays {Christmas...a holiday that we should be focusing on Christ}, all of a sudden the to do list was getting crossed off easier. It was amazing what the correct focus at the start of your day could do for the rest of the day. I have been trying to get up before my daughter and read scripture or do a bible study. Some mornings I can easily manage and some nights are too rough that the mornings don't happen as easily for me. 

2. Create a Bible Reading Plan. I love this post by my friend Christie at Sparkles of Sunshine. She gave some tips on creating a Bible Reading Plan. I love how she keeps a journal of her readings. This is something I want to incorporate into my life.

Does your to do list have Jesus on it? Tips on how to find time for God | Managing a Home

3. Find ways to find God in your day. I notice what usually stops me in my tracks is that I don't have "time" to spend with God. What what I need to realize is that I don't need an hour of quiet time. I need 10 minutes in the morning while nursing to pray, I need to keep my Bible app near me {and open that app up instead of Facebook}for times I am waiting in traffic, I can memorize bible verses in the shower or while I do dishes and I can sing praise songs with my daughter all day. All of these times add up and are still times I spend acknowledging God. 

4. Remember that anything is better than nothing. I get it. Some days are just so overwhelmingly busy that you cannot even fathom how you would be able to give even 2 minutes to God when you can't even take a deep breath. I really get it. When you do have 2 minutes, find a verse you want to memorize or a parable you want to focus on {like Luke 10:38-42} and write it on some note cards. Stick one above your sink, on your dashboard of the car, in your purse, in the bathroom...anywhere that you might have even 1 minute to read it and reflect and maybe even send out a praise or prayer to God.

So who do you want to be? Martha or Mary? I am striving to be more like Mary. My house may not be the cleanest, my daughter may still be in pajamas until bath time, or I may not get my blog post up, but none of these worldly things matter. 

Does your to do list have Jesus on it? Tips on how to find time for God | Managing a Home

What are you doing to keep Christ a center in your life?

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  1. Great post, Stephanie! Thanks for sharing my tips for Bible reading. These are some great tips on finding ways to spend time with God. I've found it's easy to spend time in prayer while doing the dishes or other tasks. I'm a Martha, but I'm trying to become a Mary. :) Have a great week!

  2. This is great! Planning time with God is so important, especially for busy mamas who are always making everyone else a priority.

  3. Thank you for sharing! I find myself getting lost in the list too. There are too many things I am forgetting- I'm fully aware of that! This morning I found myself awake before the kids, but not quite ready to get out of bed, so I prayed under my blankets - about everything. I realize that we can all find more time for the Lord if we look for it. And everything else falls in to place!

  4. I surely AM a modern day Martha. I really like your tips, and I find all those 'empty spaces' to worship and pray are everywhere. We just need to fill it with HIM. Thanks for this great post Stephanie.

  5. I'm in Martha Recovery. I always wanted to be a Mary, but felt all the Martha expectations on me. I am now more of a Mary than ever, and want to say, keep the faith, and welcome to the club!

  6. I may be one of the only ones who thinks being Martha isn't necessarily a bad thing. :)
    I do think there are times in our lives where we need to be Martha, a servant who shows love in the background, and times we neeed to be Mary and use our time to worship.
    I like your post because I think you show us a balance of both sisters- taking time to worship and be with Jesus and also getting things done but having the right attitude when our to-do list isn't finished because we chose the greater thing.

  7. I am working to balance out the "Martha" in me. I do think it is a balancing act though. It's ok to have a little bit of Martha and a little bit of Mary. I just need to balance it out.

  8. I love this, and Christies post! I really need to do more bible reading and take time every day to devote to my spiritual health! Shared :)
    Jess @liverandomlysimple


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