Corralling Receipts at the Front Door

Everyday, we accumulate more and more paper it seems. Today, I am sharing with you how I have started to corral my receipts so that I can update them in our budgeting system.
Creating a system to organize receipts by the front door will help you organize them for budgeting and money saving. What a simple solution. | Managing a Home

We use to manage our budget for free. We love the program and I have been using the website before my husband and I were at least 5 years. We are even able to split a purchase into two, or more, categories in the budgeting system. This is a great feature, if you actually know what you bought and where it is to be allocated.

I hated the piles of receipts piled on my desk and it was bound to happen that I would be missing an important one and just have to make it up. I really needed an easy way for my husband and I to keep the receipts together until I was able to input them.

Currently, at our front door, we have a shelf that also has hooks to hold our jackets. We always take off our jackets and shoes there, the kitchen is there and my husband uses this area as a dumping ground. If I was going to have a chance to get those receipts, this was it. I simply put a chalkboard container I had laying around for years up on the shelf and labeled it. I instructed my husband to put all receipts in the bin. No lifting a lid, no sliding a drawer, just place it in.
Creating a system to organize receipts by the front door will help you organize them for budgeting and money saving. What a simple solution. | Managing a Home

Even before Month 2's Challenge, I put this into action {early January, I couldn't wait} and I have not lost one receipt! This was such a great way to keep a handle on the receipts that come in. Now I actually can even upload them into Checkout 51 and iBotta because I have them on hand!

I hope this keeps up and I hope that this is insight as to how the rest of the organizing in the house will go.

Happy Organizing!

P.S. After writing receipts so much, it starts to look funny and it starts to not look correct. Anyone else notice that??
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  1. Great idea! My husband has been doing more of the grocery shopping lately, but he always throws away the receipts before I have a chance to scan them into iBotta.

  2. Good idea, organizing all the paper work is half the battle of conquering it!

  3. This is such a simple idea, but a great one! We use YNAB, but I definitely need a receipt caddy by the door. I can't tell you how many times I've washed up hubby's receipts because he leaves them in his uniform pockets!

  4. OMG I do the same thing with that word! I always think I am writing it funny lol. This is a great idea. I always scan mine into savings catcher on walmart and I hate it when I forget one. This is a great idea!! Pinned and shared!
    Jess @liverandomlysimple


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