Master Bedroom Reveal - Small Changes Make a Huge Impact

Well, August has come and go and I am finally ready to reveal to you our master bedroom!
It's amazing how small changes can really make a huge difference in a room. How to make your room a master retreat

It was truly a team effort from my husband and I. I am so happy to be able to have his help. He has really come on board to help out more since his work schedule has loosened up a bit. It really helps in the completion of projects!
Let's start with the before pictures:

Master Bedroom Before Pictures. You should see the drastic after pictures

Our first step was to get rid of some of the clutter we had. With a little KonMari help, we were able to pair down all of our clothes and find places for them to live in our room. Now our clothing is folded neatly in our bedroom or hanging happily in our closet. You can find out a little more about our decluttering and organizing our drawers that we did this month.

Then we were able to move the rocker out of our room and so much of our other stuff that just didn't belong. We had so much room to work with! We looked at what we really wanted our room to be: a clean, peaceful retreat that we can relax and rest.

We decided to add a couple of specific things in our room:

  • Black out curtains. We knew we needed these since we have a light post right outside our window. We have asked ourselves why we didn't do this sooner. It is such wonderful sleep with the curtains but so hard to wake up in the morning! We did some custom work on the curtains so be sure to check back soon for a tutorial.
  • A place to read. We love being able to retreat to a quiet place to read alone. There was no real place that we could do this. Now we have the room in our master bedroom to have just that space. We need help choosing a chair so be sure to check out below to cast your vote :)
  • Headboard. We loved our wedding photos above the bed, but something was definitely missing. We decided to DIY our own headboard and came up with some tricks that will help save time and aggravation.
  • Side lamps. We would rush through our evening routine to be the first one in bed so the other would have to turn out the light and try to find their way into bed. We cut that fight out by adding side lamps. Each one has one. So we turn them on at night while we get ready and each of us turns one off before we go to sleep. 
  • Charging Station. I was in charge of charging our devices. My side of the bed became a jumbled mess of cords. So we invested in a charging station and love it! It keeps our electronics on the other side of the room. The only device I keep by the bed is our old iPhone that is the video monitor for the baby's room - in case she cries at night we can make sure she is ok then go back to sleep.
Here is a full tour with before and after pictures.
How to create a master bedroom retreat with only minor (and affordable) changes

How to create a master bedroom retreat with only minor (and affordable) changes

How to create a master bedroom retreat with only minor (and affordable) changes

How to create a master bedroom retreat with only minor (and affordable) changes

Now we need your help! We can't decide on a chair for our reading area. We have narrowed it down to three but need your help deciding. Vote below for your favorite and a chance to win $25 Target gift card, which is where most of our room came from.
Help us decide what chair to place in this spot. Enter to win $25 Gift Card to Target
Help us choose a seat. Enter to win $25 Gift Card to Target

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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  1. I vote for chair 1. I think 2 is too heavy for the corner.
    P.S. it looks lovely! I can't wait to get caught up!!!

    1. Thanks for the vote - looking forward to catching up WITH you!

  2. I think chair # 2 is perfect for your corner. I also think it is the chair from this trio that looks the most comfortable and will have the most multi-use over the years. It looks comfortable for reading. One thing I have learned over the years is to buy pieces of furniture that can be used in different places in your home and in different ways. Also, if you can afford it, buy the best quality items you can so they will last and wear well over the years. I like what you have done with your bedroom!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Thanks for your suggestions. You are absolutely right that buying a chair for use in the future is so important, especially now that we are 'adults' :)

  3. Chair #2, seems to fit for me, the color and the substance just seem perfect!

  4. Great colors. I like 1 and 2...but I go for arms!!

  5. I voted for chair 3. It seem to go with the decor. Chair 2 maybe too big for the room? Chair 1 is the one I like best, but I have tried these, not very comfy.

  6. I like chair #2 best, but the space looks a bit tight for it. So I chose #1. :) But maybe it's a bigger space than I thought.

  7. I'm voting for Chair #1, it looks much more comfortable...


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