Using KonMari Folding to Organize Your Drawers

We have been super busy here finishing up our bedroom makeover for this month. We have been so busy in the bedroom working, I have been slow on posting here about our updates. So we may be posting some tutorials in September - oops :).

Now that we have been able to bring our wardrobe under control
(hubby worked on his this past weekend) we have been able to find the best way to organize our dresser drawers and our now minimally used closet space.
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  1. Decide which clothing will be hung or folded
    In the book, Marie Kondo suggests that most clothing gets folded. Directly from the book, "My standard is this: hang any clothes that look like they would be happier hung up, such as those made with soft materials that flutter in the breeze or highly tailored cuts, which protest at being folded. These we should hang willingly." (Chapter 3 under Arranging Clothes: the secret to energizing your closet)

    This is how our closet now holds a minimal number of our clothing. My husband insisted that his work shirts be hung - he thought they'd be happier that way, so I went with it. Most everything else is folded in our drawers.

    Create a happy closet in these 4 easy steps
  2. Create a system

    For each group of clothing, decide what categories each set falls into. My categories include: Undergarments, Exercise Gear, Shirts, Pants/Shorts, Sweaters, Sweatshirts and Pajamas. My husband's categories are a little different but still fall under the same idea.

    For each category, I assigned a drawer. Right now the drawers are a little light, but as I said before, I edited a LOT of clothing and will now only bring in clothing that truly sparks joy in my life. So I have some room to add :)
    happy organized drawers in 4 easy steps
  3. Fold Items Appropriately

    There are several tutorials and videos on how to fold the KonMari way. I get the concept and I love the look, but I am really, really bad at getting the shirt to line up so that you can see the collar in the middle. It just doesn't work for me. I debated on getting one of these, or asking for it for Christmas, but in the end, I found an even simpler way to make it work and the clothes are still folded properly. You can see it in the video below.

    I have put together a video for you about how I fold our clothing the 'KonMari' Way. At least my KonMari way because I am not a master folder. Let me know what you think and take a look at the post about organizing your drawers.

    Folding Clothing with KonMari
    I have put together a video for you about how I fold our clothing the 'KonMari' Way. At least my KonMari way because I am not a master folder. Let me know what you think and take a look at the post about organizing your drawers.
    Posted by Managing A Home on Tuesday, September 1, 2015

    Now they all line up properly in the drawer and it is simple. It may not be the way Marie would like it done, but my clothes seem happy.
  4. Admire your drawers and closets
    Am I the only one who goes into my drawers and closet after they are all organized just to take a peek? I hope not. I love being able to open the drawers and see organization. Or open the closet and see so much open space. It makes me all smiley.

    And the best part, this whole system of keeping our drawers and closet organized is so simple and easy that it should be no problem keeping it that way. I have a tendency to be lazy when it comes to organization and that is why I love the KonMari way so much, I am able to adapt and change the system to work for me and my family. 

I am off to go walk into my closet some more, maybe write a blog post or two in there. Go and organize a drawer or a closet and just see how much happiness it can bring you.

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